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PSD to WordPress Theme Development

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. WordPress is software designed for everyone, emphasizing accessibility, performance, security, and ease of use. Used by more than 60 million websites, including 30.6% of the top 10 million websites as of April 2018, WordPress is the most popular website management system in use.

We offer fantastic PSD to Wordpress conversions and executions that are entirely hand-coded, cross-browsers compatible, pixel perfect and completely W3C compliant. Our Wordpress themes conversions are highly proficient and affordable.

With our unparalleled skill, dedication, and attention towards specifying, we assist you with getting PSD to WordPress theme conversion that works immaculately across every one of the famous programs and devices. Our group comprises of Designers, WordPress Developers, Project Managers, and Quality Executives. We all have many years of WordPress experience.

WordPress is a significant and well known CMS. Consistently, we conveys WordPress conversion projects that has assisted us with keeping a magnificent record of WordPress conversion conveyances to date. Due to fast stacking, SEO-improved, and retina prepared WordPress sites, we arose as maestro in PSD to WordPress conversion. Security is our first concern. We design WordPress sites with a intuitive admin panel that transforms into an ideal and completely developed site.

Our PSD to WordPress organization India conveys even confounded ventures well inside the characterized timetable and will consistently prepared to help you whenever, anyplace! Further to add, we never wonder whether or not to confront analysis and consider the changes to re-emphasize the conversion approach. Depend on us for proficient Responsive WP Theme Development and conversion services as we offer custom WordPress theme/layout customization and conversions in a budget-friendly way. With our variety of commitment models, we give a lot of options to our partners and clients to reach out to us and draw in with us profitably.

We break down your PSD file and suggest the plugins that go able with the functionality. Other than selecting a common PSD to WordPress conversion, our developers incorporate a portion of the high level plugins. The plugins incorporate Visual Composer, Mega Menu, Revolution Slider, Child Theme. Each plugin improves on the task of site management and facilitates the site implementation. To customize a functioning web-based interface and a PSD document, a PSD to WordPress conversion is respected the best solution. It includes converting PSD over to XHTML and XHTML to WordPress.

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